Location: Zundert, NL

Growth: Hydrangea, Viburnum, Photinia, Ilex cren. Dark Green, Skimmia


Branche: Tree nursery

Can you tell something about the crops (and possibly the concept) that you put on the market?

Approximately one-third of the nursery covers the cultivation of Hydrangea, in approximately 50 species, from C2 to C7.5. On the rest of the nursery we grow a diverse assortment, but in large numbers. We try to have a year-round attractive supply for garden centres. So far, we have been part of 1 concept; Ilex-Select. Of which the Ilex cren. ‘Dark Green’ is the most important cultivar. This type is also used by Het Loo Palace as a replacement for the Buxus. We have to deliver 27 km in the next 3 years here.

How did you end up in this cultivation and how long have you been doing this job?

My parents started the company 35 years ago. I have been involved for almost 20 years.

What is your main sales market?

Approximately 80% is sold (partly via traders) to garden centres throughout Europe. The rest goes to Cash & Carry’s and gardeners.

What do you see as your strengths or how you distinguish yourself on the market?

Quality, service and reliability. In addition, we also try to be distinctive by offering exclusive products.

Do you have any new developments or new product to announce?

Yes, from May this year we have the Hydrangea pan. ‘Butterfly’® exclusively available in the Netherlands. This plant won the Colour Your Life Award for best novelty at the IPM in Essen.

Can you tell something about the expectations for the coming season?

The reservations are bigger than in previous years. I think this is because last year a lot was frozen, and many types were sold out in a very short time.

Within the container cultivation, do you also experience trouble with blowing over and if so, how do you solve it?

Yes, who does not have this problem. Every batch of plants larger than 40cm above the pot is provided with wire racks all around. This works well. One time you make an investment, and then you have many years of pleasure from it. Placing everything in racks is not an option yet, it is rather costly and does not suit us in terms of automation.

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